Dv8 Upcoming Events

Dv8 Upcoming Events

As a ministry we know that one of the ways to engage young people is to have times for them to get together!
The more time we spend with our teenagers the more opportunities we have to invest in their lives. 
Outside of our Sunday evening meetings we like to try to get together at least once a month for a time of fellowship.
On this page you will find all the information you need to keep your teenager involved!
Sat. Oct. 24th
Service Project:
Running the Fall Festival- Be at the church by 5:40 p.m.  Sign-up sheet for the different games is located in the youth room.
Friday, Nov. 9th-10th
Lock-In @ the movies:

Cost $10  Time to arrive at theatre will be announced soon.  Cost includes 2 movies/popcorn & drink.  You will need to be picked up @ 7 a.m. the next morning!   Bring a sleeping bag and pillow in case you want to sleep. Invite Your friends.  Movies are selected by Our Adult leadershipe team, only appropriate movies will be shown!
Sat. Dec. 15th
Christmas Party:

Jan. 25th-27th
Chillipepper Conference in Gatlinburg, TN

Cost: $95 plus food   Deposit: $60 due Sunday Dec. 9th.  Go to www.concoxions.com to read more about the conference and to find out about this years bands and speakers!
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